Even though the concept of card counting is most popularly associated with Blackjack, its applicability doesn’t end there. Strategies based on this can be used in many casino games.
This will be the focus of our discussion in the following subsections. We’re also going to touch on the practicality of counting cards in these scenarios.

Blackjack Card Counting
Blackjack is the obvious choice for card counters because everyone sees everyone else’s cards. This allows you to track the value of the cards remaining on the deck more easily. A Blackjack card counting strategy also works well in generating huge wins because the house edge is already so low. Therefore, it’s easier to switch things in your favor and beat the dealer.
So, what techniques can be used to win big at Blackjack? These are the most popular strategies out there:
- KO Card Counting. Cards are assigned a value of +1, 0, or 1, and a running count is maintained by adding or subtracting based on the value assigned. If it’s high, they will bet high. Then, the bets will be lower when it’s low.
- Hi Lo Card Counting. This is a more complicated version of KO. The value and running count are determined in the same ways. But here, there’s something called the true count, calculated as the running count divided by the estimated number of decks left.
Team strategies also make things more exciting, helping players get bigger wins. There’s even a tactic called Wonging, where someone watches multiple tables so other members of the team can join when one of them is hot.
Like everywhere else, if you want to play Blackjack in the Philippines, the rules of the game are the same. Therefore, the strategies mentioned may be applied here as well.

Baccarat Card Counting
Do you want to play Baccarat online in the Philippines? In this game, card counting is much simpler. You don’t even need to remember the cards from the deck. However, there’s one key rule here: you should join a table just before they start with a fresh set of decks.
From there, it’s just simple addition and subtraction. You add one to the count for every 1, 2, or 3. Two is added for each 4. If it’s 5, 7, or 8, subtract one from the count. Meanwhile, a 6 means subtracting two. 9 to King are worth zero.
In this strategy, the tie is disregarded because it’s not very likely to happen. If the count is high, you should bet on the player. But if it’s low, bet on the banker.
This is the most simple strategy for Baccarat. There are others; the main difference is whether you add or subtract to the count.
Another distinct technique is John May’s, which is focused on the tie bet. Here, you simply add 1 to the count for every odd number dealt. Then, once the count reaches 160, bet on a tie. The logic behind this is that without odd numbers, there are only five possible hand totals, which in turn increases the odds of a tie to 62%.

Poker Card Counting
If you always have fun with online poker in a casino, card counting can make things even more fun with higher odds of winning. It’s harder here since not all cards are shown, meaning you’re working with less information.
However, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Various card-counting techniques will apply depending on the version of the game you’re playing.
- Stud Versions. Here, only one of the cards is facing up. So, the best you can do is count the discarded cards and keep track of what has been dealt already.
- Hold ‘Em and Omaha. There are even fewer cards to work on here, but card counting can still be implemented if you take into account every little bit of information you have. For example, let’s say the flop is 3, 4, and 5. Since you have a pair of sixes, it will be less likely for your opponent to get a straight.
Unlike when playing games where all cards are dealt face up, what card counting Poker players can’t do is improve their odds. They’re just playing the most efficient way possible to limit the house edge.